Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It has to be said...

I just want to thank Mrs. Jennifer for giving my already loud son a whistle, I'm about to go out of my mind... They are learning stranger danger for a summer camp, so Mrs. Jennifer gave away whistles to the class to blow in case a stranger is near. Apparently Kate and I are strangers because that whistle has not stopped, and he also thinks he is a lifeguard now, and Kate and I are always in trouble, that whistle is always blowing... Kate has now also learned how to use the whistle YAY! So with toys unlimited this is the toy that is staying strong, I finally had to take it away and that was the biggest meltdown I have seen from Kash (so far), and then Kate starts to cry :(
FAIR WARNING: for future reference for Kash and Kate I'm buying the grand kids whistles!!!


The Brown's said...

hahaha We have grandparents that give our kids all sorts of wonderful too. Totally puts me over the edge. Sorry Kash:O(

The Heaps Family said...

Okay that is so funny. It looks like you guys have had a fun summer so far. We need to do lunch sometime. Hang in there with the whistles. In my experience all things come to an end eventually. LOL.

sarah said...

i love it. thankfully, i can't hear the whistle way over here but i feel for you....i like a quiet house. kash, be nice to your mommy!