Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cotton Candy and all caught up!

This was Kashs first time having cotton candy, and as you can tell from the pictures, he was not a fan he said it was "bad sugar mom"

also a little side note mostly for myself... I'm all caught up! woo hoo!!!

ZOO day

Love the picture of the rhino Kash looks just like him with his hair spiked up! This was the first time Kate had been to zoo when she could do more than just sit in the stroller, and she loved it, she just loves animals, so it was fun to see her reaction to the whole thing!

Roasting some more dogs, and some smores YUM!

Fun times in the canyon this summer! we really took advantage of all of the great things that are near... I'm just bummed its almost over, I am a summer lover I really need some good winter suggestions of things to do to keep us happy???

Roasting some dogs!

This is an epic picture, so it had to be posted! For those of you who do not know this is a picture of Kates uncle Austin, and they are holding hands, you may thing no big deal, but it is! Kate is not a fan of Austin, so she must have really wanted to go on a "nature walk" that day, because we caught her hand in hand!

To bad it did not last, because the very next weekend she was right back to where they began with not so much love for Austin :( (just a little side note she is the only one who does not like Austin, but I'm sure she will come around!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Kash loved "magoon" this year! we had a really great time with cousins, and grandpa Heber! we rode all day and into the night, Kash enjoyed the idea of staying out after dark, and i had a great day with my doodlebug!