Monday, August 31, 2009


Our daddy went on a fishing trip to Alaska at the beginning of the summer, and all he brought back were these lousy t-shirts.... and 100 pounds of the BEST fish we have ever had!!! this is a man cation that we all can deal with, and I think Andy had the time of his life!

Family pictures 2oo9

Steel Days

More parades and more summer fun I will get catch up soon... I should not have let it go, but its kinda fun to re-live summer!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


NO WAY is the new answer to EVERYTHING at our house! Kate does not say much but she has figured out that no way is her answer to everything!!! we love you Kate you make our life's a little brighter, just keep being this age, and this cute forever!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Family time

Meet the newest member of our family (the jeep) it is the best hobby we have ever purchased the kids love it, and it is something we can all do together I love it! We have been out almost every weekend, and most trips end up with the kids asleep on the way home, so you know I really love it!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Love these pics, Andy adores his grandpa, and I was glad to get these shots! I would have loved to have more of grandma Normal but she was so busy running around town and working I did not catch many pictures of her, oh well I guess we will need to get back down there now, and go hiking when it is not so hot...

A Blanding parade

So I have been to many parades this summer, and I can say that Blandings parade tops them all! They have water firetrucks spread throughout the parade, so you spend a fair amount of time getting wet, which is perfect you are not sitting there getting hot, and what kid does not love to get wet!!!

more and more :D

some pics from my camera in Bluff Utah and Monument Valley, we have enough pics from that trip of the beautiful landscape that we could open a art gallery!!!

more Blanding

we had so many cute pictures from Blanding that I will just have to keep on posting about it :D and yes I will one day actually blog when stuff happens not months after, but for right now this will have to do... Kash and Kate had such a good time at grandma "Normals" and we cant thank them enough!