Monday, June 22, 2009

More Disneyland!!!

These pictures are off of Andys camera had to post them they were so cute!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Today has been a busy day! Kash started the day at summer camps which start at 9:00 and anyone who knows us knows that is a challenge, Kash, Kate and I are not morning people! Then off to last day of swim lessons, home to lunch and nap before Mady, Gaby and Halle come to watch the kids while Amy and I take a tour of the new temple, return from the temple to start fondue for my mom, Rod, Tannen, and I throw on some mac and cheese and a movie for the kids, because the fondue has allot of preparation! after dinner I cut Tannens hair while my mom, and Rod were still here to watch the kids! The topping on this cake of a day is, I talked my 20 year old brother who is no where near settling down to have kids to bath my kids! (I mostly just wanted to see if I could talk him into it!) The kids had fun with a new person on the job! Tannen leaves, I put the kids to bed I asked Kash what the best part of his day was? it was not school, swim lessons, cousin playtime, grandmas for dinner, or uncle Tannens giving baths... Give up? it was MAC AND CHEESE, yes the 99 cent mac and cheese was the best part of Kashs day, if I had known that this day could have been real simple :D I love you Kash!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It has to be said...

I just want to thank Mrs. Jennifer for giving my already loud son a whistle, I'm about to go out of my mind... They are learning stranger danger for a summer camp, so Mrs. Jennifer gave away whistles to the class to blow in case a stranger is near. Apparently Kate and I are strangers because that whistle has not stopped, and he also thinks he is a lifeguard now, and Kate and I are always in trouble, that whistle is always blowing... Kate has now also learned how to use the whistle YAY! So with toys unlimited this is the toy that is staying strong, I finally had to take it away and that was the biggest meltdown I have seen from Kash (so far), and then Kate starts to cry :(
FAIR WARNING: for future reference for Kash and Kate I'm buying the grand kids whistles!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


If you are wondering why all the weird post, well I have a answer my computer was giving me troubles so no blogging, and I missed allot that I wanted to have for memories so I just decided to blog anyways so most of the post are old, but I mostly blog for myself anyways, so no need to read them, or feel free to read them!!!

My bags are packed

He is moving out! After a long day of fighting and some not so Kind words for his mom Kash decided he was moving to grandmas, and I decided that is not such a bad idea she is only 2 miles away, so we packed everything that we could fit in the suitcase, got dressed, put on a coat, (all of which there was no help from me) and Kash was headed out the door! there were some problems his suitcase was real heavy, and there was a storm brewing, so the wind was really blowing, Kash was having a heck of a time. At that point he was mad at the world, when in walked dad so the tension was lifted, and Kash decided to stay to live with us! The next morning on Kashs still packed suitcase there was a note from dad thanking him for staying and telling him how much we love him!

Mother day night!

The evening of mothers day we went to aunt Amys house for cake and ice cream and Kate had a too cute not to post picture! Halle and Gabby decided to treat us to a fashion show, Gabby had done Halles makeup, and then she was on to Kash, who would have none of it, and thought they were crazy, I think after all of the doll time and playing with stroller, Gabby and Halle owe Kash some truck playing time!!!

Happy mothers day!

Mothers day was great, other than Kate being sick and missing most of the day... but My mom Rod Tannen, and I went to brunch it was great, we had already decided prior to Kate being sick that the kids would stay home, because Kate is such a monster to eat with. We have also decided after many attempts that Kate will no longer be attending any restaurants (great for our waistlines!) we are having to leave great tips to put up with us, and clean up after us!!! I did miss the kids at brunch but my family probably did not, or the restaurant, and I'm not talking about Kash...


Happy birthday Addy we had a great time and got some great swimming pics that we had to post! Thanks to the Pulhams!!!


Everyone wants to know why we go to Ferron, and Kash will give you a great answer, he LOVES it! Aunt Amy and her family have a place down there, so Curt and Amy were having a crazy moment and decided to let us go down with them for the weekend, and we had a great time, I think that Kash loves to play with his cousins, and down there they can run around doing what they please playing their hearts out, on this trip we also went to the dinosaur museum in Price, and Halle was relived when we arrived in Price to find the dinosaur's were dead! We had a great time thank you to the Bowdens for letting us crazies visit :D

A day of play

Vroom Vroom we are driving! this was Kates first time in the jeep, she loved it, Kate is very tough, that combined with her need for speed we may have the next Danika Patrick living in the house! but these were such cute pictures of them playing I had to post them!

Summer Straberrys

My first strawberry! Would you expect anything less from the cutest messiest baby ever she loved the strawberry's, and she made a great mess for me to clean, we love everything about Kate, but the way she eats is out of control...


Easter this year was crazy, we had allot of plans and little time... We did manage to color a few dozen eggs which is my favorite part ;D, and for the other Easter fun... well I forgot my camera, which is amazing I hardly ever do that what a bummer, but we had a great Easter with family and friends and hopefully next year will not be so crazy!